Crypto and blockchain

The legislation for crypto and blockchain is complicated and changes regularly. As a FinTech company, you want a lawyer who can help you to gain insight into complex supervisory laws and regulations and knows how to translate this into practice. This way you ensure satisfied customers and prevent reputational damage or sanctions from regulators. And do you need a license as a crypto asset service provider under the European crypto regulation (MiCAR)? Then you want to obtain it as quickly as possible and at a predictable cost, so that you can continue with your business.

Finnick helps you with this by:

  • providing legal advice on supervision laws and regulations in simple and clear language so that it is understandable
  • not only providing advice, but also actively thinking about the implementation of financial laws and regulations within the organization
  • timely identifying bottlenecks in the implementation of supervisory laws and regulations and translate them into concrete solutions
  • enabling you to obtain a license quickly at a predictable cost. Read more here.