Contract negotiations

As a FinTech company you have to conclude all kinds of contracts. Think of contracts with partners, suppliers, financiers and of course your customers. It is then important that documentation is well put together so that you know where you stand. You also want to achieve a good negotiation result quickly, with the most important risks being mitigated. Finally, you want the relationship with your contract partner to remain good, because you want to build a lasting relationship with each other. Failure to do so may result in complaints or disputes, which may ultimately result in lawsuits, reputational damage or even the loss of partners, suppliers, financiers or customers.

Finnick helps you to prevent this by:

  • preparing simple and straightforward contract documentation that is understandable to everyone
  • making a clear analysis of the most important risks and translate these into practical solutions
  • focusing on the main issues during contract negotiations, so that a good negotiation result can be achieved quickly
  • also paying attention to the interests of your contract partner during the negotiations, so that the mutual relationship remains good

Download the checklist for IT and outsourcing contracts here